
Showing posts from August, 2023

Privacy Policy

  This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which the Ads Library Expander extension ("the Extension") collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users ("User") of the Extension. Collection of Data The Extension collects the following data for the sole purpose of analytics and improving user experience: 1.1 Extension Install Event: When the Extension is installed, we collect basic information such as the installation timestamp, extension version, and browser type for statistical analysis and tracking purposes. 1.2 Check Page Event: The Extension collects data when the user interacts with it, such as clicking on the extension icon or using specific functionalities. This data includes the URL of the page being visited at the time of the interaction. Use of Data The collected data is used solely for the purpose of analyzing and improving the functionality and performance of the Extension. We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provide